On this episode of the VaadCast, we’re joined by Leon Goldenberg for a discussion on the topic of redistricting and how it will affect the Jewish communities of New York. Mr. Goldenberg has been active in many causes around New York for many years. He is the First Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at COJO of Flatbush, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees for Agudath Israel of America.
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IRC Upcoming Hearings and Summaries
The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) series of public hearings is underway. The NY Census and Redistricting Institute will be releasing summaries of the hearings each week. Attached are summaries for the Southern Tier, Syracuse, and North Country hearings. The remaining dates and locations include:
For exact locations and to register to testify, please go to https://nyirc.gov/meetings#testify-in-person
Proposition 1 on Election Ballot Tomorrow
Voters are being asked to vote tomorrow on a redistricting reform measure that would make changes to the redistricting calendar and other measures. For more information on the proposal, please see https://www.citylandnyc.org/guest-commentary-on-the-ballot-for-nov-2-2021-the-constitutional-amendment-on-redistricting/ and https://digitalcommons.nyls.edu/redistricting_resources/11/
Syracuse Law School Mapping Team Speaks with IRC
Students from Syracuse University’s Public Mapping Project redistricting team had the opportunity to meet with members of the New York Independent Redistricting Commission on Tuesday, October 26th. After listening to public testimony, the commission generously shared their time and perspective with the student team. On behalf of the class, we thank the commission for extending the opportunity.
Public Mapping Project Now Underway
The deadline for submissions for the Public Mapping Project is November 24.
To participate please visit: https://app.districtbuilder.org/o/nyls
If you have any questions, please email Marissa Zanfardino at marissa.zanfardino@law.nyls.edu
Online Redistricting Resources
TheDigital Commons at New York Law School will provide all redistricting publications by Jeff Wice and other members of the New York Census and Redistricting Institute. Access the digital commons here: https://digitalcommons.nyls.edu/ny-census-and-redistricting-institute/
Redistricting Online and its partners believe that redistricting information from all 50 states (including law, data, news, policy, and research) should be easily accessible. In collaboration with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and New York Law School, we have created this nonpartisan, multimedia, knowledge hub to give redistricting a trusted, permanent home on the web. Access the website here: https://redistrictingonline.org/
New York Census Data and Tools
CUNY Mapping Center New York Tool: The Mapping Service at the CUNY Graduate Center has launched a New York-specific version of its “Redistricting & You” online map, making it easy to compare proposed Independent Redistricting Commission proposed districts with existing lines. The map displays the “Names” and “Letters” district plans from the Commission compared with current congressional, state senate, and assembly districts. The map is fully interactive. https://newyork.redistrictingandyou.org/
Redistricting Data Hub has new trainings, resources, news, and the state population change charts. You can access the website here: https://redistrictingdatahub.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtrSLBhCLARIsACh6Rmhgic5YhW2i6d-NMevsRxe4E6Hf7geOlsOLCyX13-ERl9HWIBJuH_0aAsxZEALw_wcB
American Statistical Association released a Task Force Report on 2020 Census Analysis and Quality Indicators. You can access the report here: https://www.amstat.org/asa/files/pdfs/POL-CQI-Task-Force-final-report.pdf
Redistricting Primer and Informational Webinars
Please contact Jeff Wice (by reply email) if you would like to schedule an informational webinar on the state’s redistricting process. A copy of the N.Y. Census & Redistricting Institute’s basic primer on how New York redistricts can be accessed and downloaded here: https://www.nyls.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/NYCRI-Redistricting-Primer-PDF-0521-v1r6-locked.pdf
The N.Y. Census and Redistricting Institute is supported by a grant from the New York State Census Equity Fund.